Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Multiple Identites

Question: What identities do you have? Describe the characteristics of each identities.

The identities I have are I am an....

  •  an animal lover
  •   an artist
  •  a student 
  • a daughter
  • an introvert
I am an animal lover. I love to observe animals in person, I think seeing them in person is better than a image of an animal online. Since I was little I loved animals and wanted to be a vet. I rather be with animals than a human being because I believe animals are way better than humans.

I am an artist. I drew since I was a baby ( of course they were just scribbles ) as time went on I got better. As time went on I discovered digital art, now I do digital and traditional. I also would like to be an animator when I grow up.

I am a student. I am a hard-working student. When I was little I used to hate school, but I think it's a great place. I study hard and take the notes to study for.

I am a daughter. I am the youngest in my family.I am a very fun and loving daughter.

I am an introvert. I rather work with nobody than somebody. I am very quiet and like to be in a peaceful quiet environment.

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