Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Multiple Identites

Question: What identities do you have? Describe the characteristics of each identities.

The identities I have are I am an....

  •  an animal lover
  •   an artist
  •  a student 
  • a daughter
  • an introvert
I am an animal lover. I love to observe animals in person, I think seeing them in person is better than a image of an animal online. Since I was little I loved animals and wanted to be a vet. I rather be with animals than a human being because I believe animals are way better than humans.

I am an artist. I drew since I was a baby ( of course they were just scribbles ) as time went on I got better. As time went on I discovered digital art, now I do digital and traditional. I also would like to be an animator when I grow up.

I am a student. I am a hard-working student. When I was little I used to hate school, but I think it's a great place. I study hard and take the notes to study for.

I am a daughter. I am the youngest in my family.I am a very fun and loving daughter.

I am an introvert. I rather work with nobody than somebody. I am very quiet and like to be in a peaceful quiet environment.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Question: If you were a superhero (real or original) who would you be and why? What powers would you have? Describe how your superhero looks.

   If I was a superhero I would be any superhero. I don't really care and I don't really like superheroes. Plus, if there was real people with powers like superheroes, they would be in a testing lab 24/7.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Map of My Dreams

Question: Think about your life as a series of goals and destinations. What places around the world do you want to visit and/or live in before you die? What colleges and/or universities do you want to attend? Why?

My Travel Bucket List

This is my travel bucket list, where I want to travel when I get older. The places I want to go to is Hawaii, Canada, France

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Epic Conversation

Question: If you could spend 15 minutes with any person in the whole world discussing, questioning, and sharing -- who would it be? Why did you choose him or her? What would you talk about.
      If I could spend 15 minutes with any person in the whole world, I would spend the 15 minutes with myself. I know if this was real I could have chose someone amazing or famous, but if I did it would just be awkward because I don't talk to people I don't know/ or never talked to. Plus, I hate humans, so I wouldn't even want to hang out with anyone. I choose myself because I never have time to myself. I always have to go to school or I always have someone in the same room as me in the house ( not the bathroom ). Also, if I don't have alone time I get stressed and depressed because I can't think straight with people around me. So that's why I chose myself. 


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tech Goals

Question: Set a goal for the quarter and set measures to achieve your goal.

  • What do you want to accomplish academically in Digital Ethics?
    I want to learn lots of things in Digital Ethics, and get good grades and pass this class. I set this goal for myself because last year I had trouble remembering things in technology class.
  • How will you track your progress from now until October 14?
     I will track my progress from now until October 14 by going over what I learned and remembering them.
  • How will this goal benefit your work in this class and in all other classes?
     This goal will benefit my work in this class and in other classes because if I remember the things in Digital Ethics I can get good grades and if I study for other classes I will also get good grades on that class too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Believe...

Question: What are your core beliefs? What do you stand for? What do you value? Why?

         I believe that education should be for everybody. I believe that education should be for everybody because everybody deserves knowledge so they can make the world a better place. But not everybody has access to school/books because their too poor or etc. 

       I believe that there should be some bad people in this world. If there weren't any bad people in this world lots of people would lose their jobs and might have a hard time finding a new job. And it would have just been a waste of time training for their jobs.

       I believe that college isn't for everybody. Even though schools say "You need to work hard and get ready for college" that might be true for some people, but other people might disagree. So i think schools shouldn't really always think that everyone needs to go to college. (Of Course I want to go to a college)

       I believe that humans aren't the smartest species on this Planet Earth. I believe that all species are smart in their own way. We humans basically copied all the animals for what they do. 

      I believe that putting animals in cages isn't right. We bred cats and dogs so they can be able to live with us. But the animals in zoos/aquarium are wild, they travel in a large area, so i don't think it's fair to put them in a small cage that limits their movement. It's like putting a human in a classroom sized room for the rest of their life with little entertainment and a bunch of random species looking and taking pictures.

       I believe that teachers should let students that need to go to the restroom go. They say to use the restroom at lunch or b.b.b ( bathroom break ), but if all the students went to it would be way to crowded. And some people didn't need the bathroom at lunch or b.b.b. 

       I believe that there might be mermaids? We, humans, barely ever searched the whole area. So there would be a chance mermaids are real. Maybe not all that pretty and maybe a little different than we expected. 

I believe that blue whales aren't scary. People may be scared of Blue Whales because their very big and might have caused boats trouble, but there have been news where Blue Whales have saved other animals from orcas.

I believe that anybody can do anything if they really tried. Many people give up because they think it's impossible to do something, but if they put real effort in something they can do it.

I believe that schools should let kids take a short nap after taking a long lesson. I believe this because right after someone learns something and sleep their brains can process what they learned while they sleep. Also students won't fall asleep in other classes then.

Monday, June 6, 2016

What was your favorite memory of this school year and why?

     My favorite memory of this school year was when we went on the hiking LEL. I liked it because I like hiking and it was fun hiking up to the observatory. It was tiring, but fun to hike up the mountain with the teachers and classmates. Another one of my favorite memory is when I got to meet our new math teacher. She left because she had to take care of her baby. I liked this moment because I got to meet someone new that was going to be our teacher for the rest of the year. Also he was going to be my homeroom teacher for the rest of the year. I got to know him. I think that was an opportunity to meet somebody new. Those are my favorite memories from the school year.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ted TALK essay

     Wale Ghonim says that there are 5 critical challenges that we face in the social media today.
      The first challenge is that people don't know how to deal with all the rumors. That rumors go on the people's biases and are being shared with millions of people. The second challenge is that people make their own echo chambers. That they only want to communicate to the people who agrees with them. And because of social media we can now block, mute, and un-follow everyone else who disagrees. The third challenge is that online discussions quickly become into angry mobs. That people quickly forget that avatar is a real human. The fourth challenge is that it is hard to change peoples opinion on something. That we jump into conclusions and write opinions about them. The fifth, the most important in his point of view, is that people have shallow conversations over the deep conversations. That people favors broadcasting over engagements.  Wales said ,"It's as if we agreed that we are here to talk at each other instead of talking with each other."

        But, there are ways to face the challenges. First, we can fight trolls and online harassments. Second, to engage more conversations with people, rather than broadcasting our opinions all the time. Or to reward people who read and respond to views that they disagree with. And to make an acceptance that people can change their minds of things. Third, to rethink about today's social media ecosystem and redesign its experiences. Wale's said, "... to reward thoughfullness, civility and mutual understanding." Fourth, to team up and start new projects. Like Wale Ghonims said, " As a beliver in the internet, I teamed up with a few friends, started a new project, trying to find answers and explore possibilities."
        There are many critical challenges in the social media, but there are ways too face them too.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Create your own holiday. What would you celebrate? How could you get others to join the fun?

 My holiday would be called Cat Day. To celebrate you would help the cats and play with them. It would also help cats get adopted easily so they won't have to be put down in the shelters because they can't get adopted. I want to make this a holiday because cats don't get the attention they deserve, and I don't really like dogs. It is a day that cats can get free check-ups at the vet. You can also volunteer at shelters or pet shops. If you throw away a cat on this day you have to go to jail for a couple of days. If you have allergies to cats then they can just donate money to help all cats, big cats, small cats, domestic cats. If you don't like cats that's your problem because I don't like you either then. That is what you would do on Cat Day.

What do you want to do when you grow up?

When I grow up I want to be a cat or an animator. I want to be a vet because than I can help other animals. And I want to be an animator because I like drawing and it seems fun. I don't want kids because I don't like humans. I just want pets. I want 3 cats, 1 dog, some fish, and other animals. I also want a big house. I want a big house, so the animals have somewhere to stay. I would also want to help out at the shelter when I don't have work. I want to help out the animals in the shelter. That's what I want to do when I grow up.

Monday, March 28, 2016

What did I do over spring break and what are my goals for this quarter?

During spring break I went to a hotel. We stayed there overnight. After that I went to the movie theaters. I watched Zootopia. When we got home I did my homework. And just slept, ate. That's all I did during spring break. My goals for this quarter is to get all straight A's. And to promote to my next grade. I also want to get more books for the reading count thing. That's what I did for spring break.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Do you agree or disagree about the personality test?

I do agree with the personality test. I agree with it because I'm don't like people very much. I don't like talking to them much either. I do like alone time. I also am more logical than creative. I am a dreamer too. I guess the personality test does talk about my personality. Most of the personality fits me. But not all of it does. That's what I think.

Friday, February 26, 2016

How will you be a better Digital Citizen using the information learned form yesterday's presentations?

I will be a better Digital Citizen by having responsibility of my own actions online. Even though there are freedom online.  And to report bad actions. Also to not giving out my identity to people. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are the 10 most important inventions in your life?

The 10 most important inventions in my life are phones, computers/laptop,cars,TV,beds,houses, vaccines,games, book, and food. These are important because mostly everyone uses them. Like I use my phone everyday and my bed everyday. If they haven't invented the phone or the bed, we would be sleeping on the floor and if we didn't have phones we wouldn't be calling people. If we didn't have food or houses, we would be sleeping outside and starving. TV, computers, games are usually for entertainment or etc. Vaccines help fight off bad viruses in our bodies that we couldn't have fight off. These are the 10 things that are important inventions in my life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What digital footprints have you already left behind? What social networking have you used? Do you have anything online that should't be?

I use Youtube and Instagram. I don't post anything on Youtube and I only post drawings on Instagram. I don't have anything that shouldn't be online.

Friday, February 5, 2016

What was the most disappointing/saddest day of your life?

The most saddest/disappointing day of my life is everyday when I have to get up and go to school. I don't have anything against education, but it's just that we have to get up early and learn. It's hard to learn when you get up too early. Too tiring. I always get disappointed in school too. Sometimes the lessons are fun, but sometimes boring too. But mostly boring. I'm sure education is fun when you have a fun teacher. It's really disappointing. Well that's the most disappointing day of my life. Everyday.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What was your happiest day of your life?

I don't have a day. It's always boring here. I guess I'm always happy when I'm around an animal. Because their my friends.And their nice. I hate humans.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Do you agree with the soda ban why or why not?

I don't agree with the ban. I know it's bad for the people to be drinking a lot of sugary drinks but, they are taking away their freedom of choice. I know their doing it so obesity levels can go down. But the people can get a bunch of those drinks the same equivalent or more. So I don't think it really matters, but they shouldn't have banned it. I really think their being unfair to the people. Even though it's for their own good.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Pretend you are writing to an alien coming down to earth. Write what they would see if they were here.

I would write that they would only see trash, people, and pollution. And I would tell them not to come here because they would be killed anyways. And if they don't be killed they will probably live inside a lab or cage all their lives. I would also say to go somewhere else other than Earth because it's terrible place down here.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What is your favorite book or movie of all time?

I don't have a favorite book or movie. I think all books are great and all movies are great. But I wouldn't say any are my favorite because people have different opinions on things. But one book I enjoyed reading was watership down, but i wouldn't say it's my favorite because it's a long book. I also like Flowers for algernon. I think it was a good book. But not the best. It also is boring in the beginning. I think all movies are great. That's my post bye.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Describe your most embarrassing moment in life?

I don't know. I don't care. I can't remember. Nothing has happened to me recently. And if something did happen I don't think I would share it anyways. I don't think anyone would want to tell someone. I think it would just make the person cringe.

Friday, January 22, 2016

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

If I could be anywhere in the world I would go home. I want to go home because I can sleep there. If I can be anywhere else in the world everyday it would always be home, unless I want to go somewhere. Another place I would go if i could be anywhere in the world is anywhere there are animals. I would go there because then I can pet and play with all the animals. I would be able to pet every single one of them. I would also like to pet every cat in the world.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What is your favorite kind of music? Name some artists you enjoy listening to

I don't have a favorite music. I don't have an favorite artist either. I listen to any music people put on. I don't really care. I will listen to any song as long as its not inappropriate. I think all songs are great. Everyone has a different opinion on music. That's why I don't have an opinion on music.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What would you want your last meal to be before you die?

My last meal would be nothing. I wouldn't eat anything. I would probably just drink water than die. I wouldn't eat anything because when your sick or etc. you don't eat much. I don't eat much anyways. And when you eat and die then somebody opens you up there would be rotting food inside. So I wouldn't eat anything.

Friday, January 15, 2016

What are top 5 websites you visit for fun, and what are top 5 websites you visit for school?

My top 5 websites I visit for fun is Google, Youtube, Instagram, and paint tool sai. I use Google to search things up, Youtube and instagram for fun. I use paint tool sai too,isn't a website, but I draw there for fun. Top 5 websites I visit for school is Google Classroom, Blogger, Gmail, Google sites, and Typing. Google classroom, blogger, and typing is for tech and Gmail and Google sites is for all the classrooms.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If you were on a deserted island, what three things would you want there with you?

If I was on a deserted island, I would bring water, food, and my phone. I would bring water to stay hydrated and food for eating. I would call people to help me. I would use the food and water until they find me. I think those are the 3 main things you need to survive. Because if you didn't have a phone it would be hard to tell people that your stranded on a island. If you didn't have food, then it would be hard for you to eat. If you have no water, than you would die dehydrated. You can drink salt water,but it would make you thirstier and it's dirty. It will infect you. Those are the three things I would bring if I was on a deserted island.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Who is the most important person in your life and your role model and why?

The most important person in my life is my mom. Because she makes me food. She also pays for the wifi. She teaches me math. She also gave birth to me.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Goals for technology for this quater and other classes

My goals for technology is to get my grade up. I also want to learn how to use things in the computer. I also want to improve on my typing. My goals for other classes is to get my grade up to an A to an A+, except for science. I need to improve on ELA the most. I need to improve on getting things on time. I need to improve on studying math.

Friday, January 8, 2016

If you can be any superhero, who would it be?

If I can be any superhero, I would be Mr. Tran. I would be him because I dislike all the superheroes. I also get to be a technology teacher. I would also get to be a history teacher. But then I would have to work with students and I hate being social.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?

If I had a million dollars, I would buy a better laptop. I would also buy a better drawing tablet. Then, I would buy a big new house. And adopt cats. I would adopt as much cats as I possibly can. Then, I would go buy some things for the cats. After that I would buy myself a bunch of animals. Then, I would go myself furniture. After that I would donate some of the money. Than, I would save the rest.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I did over winter break

 During winter break, I finished my math project. I visited lakes at San Diego. I went to the San Diego zoo. I met some people my dad knew that came from Korea. We went to a restaurant. Than we celebrated New Years.