Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Multiple Identites

Question: What identities do you have? Describe the characteristics of each identities.

The identities I have are I am an....

  •  an animal lover
  •   an artist
  •  a student 
  • a daughter
  • an introvert
I am an animal lover. I love to observe animals in person, I think seeing them in person is better than a image of an animal online. Since I was little I loved animals and wanted to be a vet. I rather be with animals than a human being because I believe animals are way better than humans.

I am an artist. I drew since I was a baby ( of course they were just scribbles ) as time went on I got better. As time went on I discovered digital art, now I do digital and traditional. I also would like to be an animator when I grow up.

I am a student. I am a hard-working student. When I was little I used to hate school, but I think it's a great place. I study hard and take the notes to study for.

I am a daughter. I am the youngest in my family.I am a very fun and loving daughter.

I am an introvert. I rather work with nobody than somebody. I am very quiet and like to be in a peaceful quiet environment.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Question: If you were a superhero (real or original) who would you be and why? What powers would you have? Describe how your superhero looks.

   If I was a superhero I would be any superhero. I don't really care and I don't really like superheroes. Plus, if there was real people with powers like superheroes, they would be in a testing lab 24/7.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Map of My Dreams

Question: Think about your life as a series of goals and destinations. What places around the world do you want to visit and/or live in before you die? What colleges and/or universities do you want to attend? Why?

My Travel Bucket List

This is my travel bucket list, where I want to travel when I get older. The places I want to go to is Hawaii, Canada, France

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Epic Conversation

Question: If you could spend 15 minutes with any person in the whole world discussing, questioning, and sharing -- who would it be? Why did you choose him or her? What would you talk about.
      If I could spend 15 minutes with any person in the whole world, I would spend the 15 minutes with myself. I know if this was real I could have chose someone amazing or famous, but if I did it would just be awkward because I don't talk to people I don't know/ or never talked to. Plus, I hate humans, so I wouldn't even want to hang out with anyone. I choose myself because I never have time to myself. I always have to go to school or I always have someone in the same room as me in the house ( not the bathroom ). Also, if I don't have alone time I get stressed and depressed because I can't think straight with people around me. So that's why I chose myself. 


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tech Goals

Question: Set a goal for the quarter and set measures to achieve your goal.

  • What do you want to accomplish academically in Digital Ethics?
    I want to learn lots of things in Digital Ethics, and get good grades and pass this class. I set this goal for myself because last year I had trouble remembering things in technology class.
  • How will you track your progress from now until October 14?
     I will track my progress from now until October 14 by going over what I learned and remembering them.
  • How will this goal benefit your work in this class and in all other classes?
     This goal will benefit my work in this class and in other classes because if I remember the things in Digital Ethics I can get good grades and if I study for other classes I will also get good grades on that class too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Believe...

Question: What are your core beliefs? What do you stand for? What do you value? Why?

         I believe that education should be for everybody. I believe that education should be for everybody because everybody deserves knowledge so they can make the world a better place. But not everybody has access to school/books because their too poor or etc. 

       I believe that there should be some bad people in this world. If there weren't any bad people in this world lots of people would lose their jobs and might have a hard time finding a new job. And it would have just been a waste of time training for their jobs.

       I believe that college isn't for everybody. Even though schools say "You need to work hard and get ready for college" that might be true for some people, but other people might disagree. So i think schools shouldn't really always think that everyone needs to go to college. (Of Course I want to go to a college)

       I believe that humans aren't the smartest species on this Planet Earth. I believe that all species are smart in their own way. We humans basically copied all the animals for what they do. 

      I believe that putting animals in cages isn't right. We bred cats and dogs so they can be able to live with us. But the animals in zoos/aquarium are wild, they travel in a large area, so i don't think it's fair to put them in a small cage that limits their movement. It's like putting a human in a classroom sized room for the rest of their life with little entertainment and a bunch of random species looking and taking pictures.

       I believe that teachers should let students that need to go to the restroom go. They say to use the restroom at lunch or b.b.b ( bathroom break ), but if all the students went to it would be way to crowded. And some people didn't need the bathroom at lunch or b.b.b. 

       I believe that there might be mermaids? We, humans, barely ever searched the whole area. So there would be a chance mermaids are real. Maybe not all that pretty and maybe a little different than we expected. 

I believe that blue whales aren't scary. People may be scared of Blue Whales because their very big and might have caused boats trouble, but there have been news where Blue Whales have saved other animals from orcas.

I believe that anybody can do anything if they really tried. Many people give up because they think it's impossible to do something, but if they put real effort in something they can do it.

I believe that schools should let kids take a short nap after taking a long lesson. I believe this because right after someone learns something and sleep their brains can process what they learned while they sleep. Also students won't fall asleep in other classes then.