Friday, February 26, 2016

How will you be a better Digital Citizen using the information learned form yesterday's presentations?

I will be a better Digital Citizen by having responsibility of my own actions online. Even though there are freedom online.  And to report bad actions. Also to not giving out my identity to people. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are the 10 most important inventions in your life?

The 10 most important inventions in my life are phones, computers/laptop,cars,TV,beds,houses, vaccines,games, book, and food. These are important because mostly everyone uses them. Like I use my phone everyday and my bed everyday. If they haven't invented the phone or the bed, we would be sleeping on the floor and if we didn't have phones we wouldn't be calling people. If we didn't have food or houses, we would be sleeping outside and starving. TV, computers, games are usually for entertainment or etc. Vaccines help fight off bad viruses in our bodies that we couldn't have fight off. These are the 10 things that are important inventions in my life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What digital footprints have you already left behind? What social networking have you used? Do you have anything online that should't be?

I use Youtube and Instagram. I don't post anything on Youtube and I only post drawings on Instagram. I don't have anything that shouldn't be online.

Friday, February 5, 2016

What was the most disappointing/saddest day of your life?

The most saddest/disappointing day of my life is everyday when I have to get up and go to school. I don't have anything against education, but it's just that we have to get up early and learn. It's hard to learn when you get up too early. Too tiring. I always get disappointed in school too. Sometimes the lessons are fun, but sometimes boring too. But mostly boring. I'm sure education is fun when you have a fun teacher. It's really disappointing. Well that's the most disappointing day of my life. Everyday.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What was your happiest day of your life?

I don't have a day. It's always boring here. I guess I'm always happy when I'm around an animal. Because their my friends.And their nice. I hate humans.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Do you agree with the soda ban why or why not?

I don't agree with the ban. I know it's bad for the people to be drinking a lot of sugary drinks but, they are taking away their freedom of choice. I know their doing it so obesity levels can go down. But the people can get a bunch of those drinks the same equivalent or more. So I don't think it really matters, but they shouldn't have banned it. I really think their being unfair to the people. Even though it's for their own good.